
The Science

To develop knowledge and understanding of the natural and physical world around us.

Children will be encouraged to observe, explore, describe, collect, experiment, compare, predict, look closely at similarities, differences and changes. Ask the question WHY ?, which forms the basis for scientific thinking.

At this early stage, the goal is not to teach hard facts , abstract concepts or even scientific terminology. Rather the child should be encouraged to begin to learn how his world works.

  1. Sand and water play.( experiments what floats / sinks. What absorbs water, what does not).
  2. Changes.
  3. Our senses.
  4. Movement.
  5. Animal kingdom ( collecting and observing insects, animal habitats / their young / food they eat, how they move e.t.c.).
  6. Plants. ( observing growth of plants . Describing different parts of plants e.t.c.).
  7. Mixing colours.
  8. Magnets.